Compare Google Maps and OpenStreetMap

I’ve already told you about the OpenStreetMap Project before. To understand why OpenStreetMap is better or will be better as Google Maps soon, one Frank Sauter wrote a tool to compare these mapping services: Both services will be displayed as transparent layers and you can change the transparency with a slider. Here is an example:

I’ve also been mapping in Бургас (Burgas), most ways in the parks and of the district Лазур (Lazur) are my work (but not yet finished):

Also in Burgas the Google Map is way from perfect, even though it is more complete. It looks as if a large part of the town is flooded and the Lake Atanosvko is missing.
If you are not satisfied with the OpenStreetMap in your neighbourhood, than become active yourself … The community will be thankful. (I got a message this week from an OpenStreet-Mapper from Bulgaria who thanked me for mapping in Burgas).

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